五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese
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5 Minute Chinese is a weekly podcast show that talks about all things in life in authentic yet comprehensible Mandarin. As a high school Mandarin teacher and language enthusiast, I explore fun, real-life experiences in the Mandarin language that you can relate, understand, learn, and enjoy! Due to space limitations, the scripts are not all included in the episode descriptions but can be found on my podcast website below each episode. The web address is:
If you have trouble finding them, please let me know. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com. Please email if you need the traditional Chinese transcript. Have a great day!
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五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese
中国的新年庆祝 New Year’s in China
本集中文简介 (Chinese Summary of This Episode):
本集英文简介 (English Summary of This Episode):
In this episode of Five-Minute Chinese, we discuss how Chinese people celebrate January 1st, also known as “Yuandan,” the official term for New Year’s Day in the Gregorian calendar. While the Lunar New Year (Spring Festival) is China’s most important traditional holiday, more people, especially in cities, are embracing modern ways to celebrate Yuandan. Activities include fireworks shows, light displays, family dinners, parties with friends, and adopting Western customs like New Year’s resolutions. Shopping promotions also add to the festive atmosphere. Although Yuandan is less significant than the Spring Festival, it symbolizes hope, new beginnings, and cultural exchange. Thank you for listening, and Happy New Year!
Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.
The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166
Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!
If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber (links below). Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️
Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode.
Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com. Please also email me if you need Traditional Chinese transcripts. Have a great day!
大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文! 今天我想跟大家聊一聊 中国人是怎么庆祝每年的一月一日, 也就是元旦的。 元旦是中国对公历新年的正式称呼。“元”代表开始,“旦”指一天的清晨。合起來就是一年的第一天。 虽然春节是中国最重要的传统节日, 但近年来,特别是在城市里, 越來越多的中国人也开始庆祝元旦。 在中国的大城市,比如北京、上海,每年的12月31日晚上,人們会参加烟花表演和灯光秀。 这些活动通常在著名的地标,比如上海外滩或者北京奥林匹克公园举行。 大家一起倒计时迎接新年的到来,非常热闹! 除了公共活动,很多家庭和朋友也会选择一起吃饭。 有些人会去餐厅,有些人会在家里做一顿特别的晚餐。 而年轻人更喜欢和朋友一起参加派对,或者去酒吧庆祝之类。 随着全球化的发展, 中国人也开始接受一些西方的新年习俗,比如新年決心, 也就是为自己设定一个目标, 比如学一项新技能 或者养成一个好习惯。 此外, 商场和网上购物平台 也会在这段时间推出很多促销活动。 人们可以买到打折商品, 为新的一年做准备。 其实在全球范围内, 每个国家都有自己独特的庆祝新年的方式。 比如我就听说过 在西班牙, 人們会在跨年夜吃十二颗葡萄象征好运。 这些习俗通过文化交流 也被一些中国人了解 甚至尝试。 当然, 元旦对中国人来说沒有春节那么重要。 春节是一个全家团圆、祭祖、和祈求好运的传统节日。 而元旦更像是一个轻松、现代化的节日。 城市化和全球化让越來越多的中国人接受了这种新的庆祝方式, 但是它也没有取代中国的传统文化。 另外, 对于一些人来说, 一月一日并不是法定假日, 或者说可能只放一天假。 所以很多人的庆祝活动可能只是简单地吃顿饭, 或者发一个新年快乐的祝福信息, 或者发朋友圈。 相比之下, 春节的庆祝活动更加隆重, 包括贴春联、 放鞭炮、 守岁等丰富多彩的传统习俗。 无论是元旦还是春节, 新年的意义都是一样的: 希望、团圆、和新的开始。 在这里我想提前祝大家新年快乐。 希望2024(*应该是2025)年带给您幸福、健康和成功。 感谢您在一年来对《五分钟中文》的支持! 如果您喜欢这个节目, 请帮我订阅、分享、转发, 让《五分钟中文》可以帮到更多的人。 如果您想支持我, 下面也有支持链接。《五分钟中文》在各大播客平台和YouTube 都可以收听到。 如果您有什么意见和建议, 也欢迎您告诉我。 那感谢您的收听。 我们下期再见!