五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese
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5 Minute Chinese is a weekly podcast show that talks about all things in life in authentic yet comprehensible Mandarin. As a high school Mandarin teacher and language enthusiast, I explore fun, real-life experiences in the Mandarin language that you can relate, understand, learn, and enjoy! Due to space limitations, the scripts are not all included in the episode descriptions but can be found on my podcast website below each episode. The web address is:
If you have trouble finding them, please let me know. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com. Please email if you need the traditional Chinese transcript. Have a great day!
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If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber. Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️
五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese
今年的秋季庆祝活动 Fall Fest 2024
This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode. The web address is https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166. Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com. Have a great day!
中文简介 / Chinese Summary:
大家好!这一期我分享了我们学校上周五刚举办的秋季庆祝活动——Fall Fest。这是一个增进学校和社区联系的年度活动,现场有娱乐项目、餐车和表演等。我们学校的Fall Fest由高中学生会牵头组织,所有高中生都参与其中,筹集的资金将用于支持高中的各种活动,包括prom。今年的Fall Fest特别盛大,校园里充满了欢声笑语。我还在“魔幻庭院”当志愿者,结束后还去了健身房,感觉这一天非常充实。这次活动不仅锻炼了学生的组织能力,也培养了他们的责任心和解决问题的能力。感谢收听!
English Summary:
Hello everyone! In this episode, I talked about the Fall Fest our school just held last Friday. It's an annual event that strengthens the connection between the school and the community, featuring entertainment, food trucks, and performances. Our school's Fall Fest was led by the upper school student government, with all high school students participating. The funds raised will support various high school activities, including prom. This year's Fall Fest was especially lively, with the campus filled with joy. I volunteered at the "Enchanted Courtyard" and went to the gym afterward, making for a very fulfilling day. The event not only helped students develop organizational skills but also fostered responsibility and problem-solving abilities. Thank you for listening!
If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber. Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️