五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese
《五分钟中文》是一档每周更新的播客节目,用简单易懂的中文聊学习和生活中的事。作为一名高中中文老师和语言爱好者,我会分享有趣的、贴近生活的中文内容,让你听得懂、学得会,还能乐在其中!由于空间限制,录音稿没有都放在下面的描述栏,但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。网址是 https://www.buzzsprout.com/1868166。如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是 TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com。祝您有美好的一天!
5 Minute Chinese is a weekly podcast show that talks about all things in life in authentic yet comprehensible Mandarin. As a high school Mandarin teacher and language enthusiast, I explore fun, real-life experiences in the Mandarin language that you can relate, understand, learn, and enjoy! Due to space limitations, the scripts are not all included in the episode descriptions but can be found on my podcast website below each episode. If you have trouble finding them, please let me know. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com. Have a great day!
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If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber. Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️
五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese
回美国的小插曲 Travel Hiccups But Finally Home
Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of Five Minute Chinese. It’s nice to be back in the U.S. After returning a week ago, I came down with a bad cold, but DayQuil and NyQuil have been quite effective. In today’s episode, I’ll talk about my trip back to the U.S., including some challenges with a delayed flight and missed connection. I’m grateful for a friend’s kindness and a smooth drive home. I look forward to sharing more about my summer experiences with you soon. Thank you for listening, and I hope Five Minute Chinese brings some joy to your day. See you next time!
Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!
If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber. Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️